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Security & Permissions

Understand how to manage permissions:

Permissions Page

The Permissions page is your your entry point to manage all permissions. 
This page is accessible from the Settings menu:

You must be a Jira Administrator or Time Squad Administrator to access the Permissions Page and manage permissions.

Role Based Permissions

The security model is based on Roles. A Role is defined by a set of Jira Users or Groups that are allowed to do certain operations based on a list of Permissions.

When creating a Role you must specify :

  • the list of Permissions that are required by this role

  • the list of Jira users and/or groups who play this role

For example, you can create a new “Deployer” role with the “deploy” permission and associate it to all Jira users who should endorse the role of "Deployer".

Global Timelines Permissions

  • Click on Edit to add / remove permissions or user / groups to an existing Role

  • Click on Add Role button to create a new role

The following permissions are global. If a Jira user has one of the following permissions, he will be allowed to perform the allowed operations everywhere in Time Squad:

Create Calendars

Allows users to create calendars

Manage Calendars

Allows users to create/update/delete all calendars

Share Calendars

Allows users to share calendars.

A user must have the permission to update a calendar in order to change its sharing options

Plan Events

Allows users to schedule Events of any calendar on the Timeline.

This overrides the “Plan” permission that can be given at calendar level

Share Timelines

Allows users to share their own timelines with other users

Time Squad Administrator

Allows non Jira Administrators to access all app administration features:

  • Jira Project Mapping (note that project associations can also be done by projects' administrators)

  • Security & Permissions

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