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Global Settings

Access the Global Settings

For managing the Time Squad Global Settings, click on the “Global Settings” menu entry:

You must be Jira or Golive Administrator to update the Golive Global Settings. For further information, refer to Security & Permissions.

Jira Projects

Show or hide Time Squad page for your different Jira projects or Show/Hide Home screen:


Date Mode

Before version 8.5, the app was using the "Legacy" date mode

Default Date Mode

If no time information is provided, the time of a Start Date will always be set at the beginning of the day and the time of an End Date will always be set at the end of the day. This means that an Event starting and finishing on the same date will have a duration of 1 day (recommended settings).

Legacy Date Mode

if no time information is provided, the time of both Start and End Date will be set at the beginning of the day. This means that an Event starting and finishing on the same date will have no duration and will be considered as a milestone (default behaviour before Golive 8.5)

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