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Jira Versions Calendar

Learn how to set up and manage Jira Versions Calendars in Golive.

Jira Version Calendars are used to browse and schedule Jira Versions on your Timelines. This article will guide you through setting up and managing them.


Jira Versions Calendars have no specific options. Adding them to your Timeline will enable the display of versions defined in your Jira projects.


  • You are familiar with basic concepts and Calendar features described in the Timeline Core Concepts article.

  • The Version Calendar should be added to your Timeline and should be visible.

  • Versions defined in your Jira Project Release section should have a Start date or a Release date.

Create a Jira Versions Calendar


You must be Golive Administrator or Timeline Owner.


  1. Access the Timeline where you wish to create a Jira Versions Calendar.

  2. Click Edit at the top right corner of the page to enter editing mode.

  3. Click Add Calendar in the Calendars section on the right of the screen.

  4. Select + Create a new calendar at the bottom of the list.

  5. Choose Jira Versions.

  6. Select one or more Projects.

  7. Enter the Version Names.

  8. Optionally, choose to display only versions mapped to an Application by using the checkbox.

  9. Click Done.

Rescheduling a Version

To reschedule a Version event, you can either resize or move it on the timeline. Here's how:


Clicking on the version title opens the Release Version page in a new tab.


  • PLAN Calendar permission.

  • PLAN OWN Calendar permission (for rescheduling your own events).

  • ADMIN Calendar permission.

  • Golive Administrator or Manage Calendars global permissions.


  1. Access the Timeline where you want to reschedule an event.

  2. Locate the Event on the timeline.

  3. Drag the Start or End of the event to adjust it.


  1. Access the Timeline where you want to reschedule an event.

  2. Locate the Event on the timeline.

  3. Click and hold the middle of the event:

    1. Drag to New Date and Time: Drag the event horizontally to the new desired date and time on the timeline.

    2. Change the Booked Environment: To change the booked environment, drag the event vertically to the desired swimlane.

  • Option 1: Select and drag the Start/End of a displayed version to change its start/release date.

  • Option 2: Select and click on the Event and move it on the timeline.

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