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Released on August 13, 2024 | Time Squad Marketplace Listing | Version History

New Features

New Help Center Widget

The Help Widget located in the bottom corner has been replaced with a new one. This updated widget consolidates all contextual help in one single location, making it easier to access the guidance you need.

Color Palette Update

We've refreshed the color palette in our Calendars to align with the official Atlassian color scheme. We have made efforts to minimize any impact on your user experience; however, please note that some Calendar colors may have changed significantly during the transition.

Golive Color Palette.gif


  • Calendar Discard Changes Prompt: A new prompt has been added to the Calendar feature, asking users if they want to discard changes when they have unsaved modifications. This prevents accidental loss of changes.

Bug Fixes

  • The drag-and-drop function in the Calendar now correctly prevents issue creation in unauthorized timeline areas.

  • We’ve fixed an issue where dragging and dropping an event a second time on the Calendar failed to trigger any action.

  • The Calendar color tag wasn't displaying correctly when the calendar name spanned two lines.

  • We’ve fixed a caching issue where unpinned timelines were reappearing as pinned.

We appreciate your feedback and thank you for your continued support.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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